Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Arnott's biscuit Australia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Arnott's biscuit Australia - Essay Example to a market analysis for South Africa and suggest a suitable expansion strategy for Arnottââ¬â¢s biscuits as it moves into the market, based on their operation al strategy and strengths. The proposed expansion should roll out in several stages; the first of these could be establishment of packaging and distribution facilities in the region with the original products exported to South Arica from company bakeries in Australia. This will allow them to continue with minimal risk of jeopardizing the quality or essence of their product while forming connections with the local industry and community and capturing a suitable market base before the product can be manufactured directly from sources in the region. Arnottââ¬â¢s is known for its strict policies on the standard of raw material they use and their efficient modern production facilities. For the first stage they will require physical assets in form of packaging and storage facilities; distribution and transport vehicles and a labor force which can be comprised mainly of unskilled workers. A well developed infrastructure would be one of their requirements to be provided by the governing and civil bodies. Otherwise Arnotts will not need any special resources (equipment or raw material) to start their expansion process in South Africa. In order to be fully aware of the any challenges or opportunities they will find during the implementation of the expansion strategy, organizations have to do in depth analysis of the region or country they are considering as a viable option. PESTL analysis is a macroeconomic tool which helps organizations in making strategic management decisions; these decisions should be made after considering the internal factors which are in play for the organization. A PESTL analysis and SWOT analysis of the organization are presented in the paper to show the feasibility of the expansion strategy for Arnottââ¬â¢s biscuits. South Africa is a multiparty parliamentary democracy in which constitutional
Monday, October 28, 2019
European Recovery Program Essay Example for Free
European Recovery Program Essay His proposal would become known as the European Recovery Program, better known as the Marshall Plan. In his speech Marshall extended an offer to the Soviets. Certainly all of Europe was included in the proposal. Stalin was interested in the plan. Lenin had spoken of trade with the communist enemy when that enemy was in collapse. Stalin thought that if these were the correct circumstances then the Soviets could use the Marshall Plan as they wished. Such was not the case. American opposition to the Plan included such conservatives as Taft on the Right and Wallace on the Left. This opposition was much weakened by the seizing of the democratic government of Czechoslovakia in February 1948 (Kunz par. 20). Before that, in September, 1947, Andrei Zhdanov of the Politburo spoke before the Cominform for Eastern Europe to assert that the imperialists were trying to support fascist regimes (Zhdanov par. 2). He wanted the imperialist intrigues to be contained. George Kennan also wanted containment- of the communists and, if need be, of the Soviets. Kennan and William Clayton, both of the US State Department, had contributed greatly to the origination of the Marshall Plan. Kennan thought the world was becoming polarized into giant camps of freedom vs. everyone else. The Soviet Union as the centerpiece of concern would come later. Bernard Baruch, an American advisor, had introduced the term Cold War in April, 1947 (Cold War par. 1). Meanwhile, the communists of France and Italy were of immediate threat in Western Europe. These two nations were part of the fifteen nations that the Marshall Plan would aid. The others were Austria, Belgium, Denmark, West Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Iceland, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, and Turkey (Marshall Plan par. 21). President Truman signed the Marshall Plan on April 3, 1948. The major items for the Europeans in 1948 were to be coal, steel, grains, and machinery (Judd par. 9). In the first year, food constituted half of all of the Marshall aid. Over the long haul, sixty percent was spend on food, fertilizer, and industrial goods. One sixth of the total was for fuel. Another one sixth was spent on machinery and vehicles. In sum, thirteen billion dollars of aid passed from the USA to Western Europe from 1948 to 1951 (DeLong and Eichengreen par. 3). The food, feed, and fertilizer consumed a little over three billion dollars of the total. Shortly after the Marshall Plan went into effect, Italys anti-communist and pro-Marshall Plan party won a majority. And then in France, after the communists won a plurality in 1945, they were on their way out in 1951 due to French economic prosperity. This prosperity in France and elsewhere was not of a minor magnitude. After 1948 Western Europe got its greatest economic growth ever recorded. The German part of the recovery became known as the wirtschaftwunder, or economic miracle (Kunz par. 3). Meanwhile, in Eastern Europe, the Soviets were determined to see central planning become a reality. To that end, a forced industrialization was started which was to remove Eastern Europe from any influence by the Marshall Plan. Eastern European nations became satellites of the Soviets, as members of the Warsaw Pact, and got little civilian development in exchange for military support and control. The end products of manufacture and the harvests were directed to the Soviets. No financial or economic stability was developed by these countries. The Marshall Plan made the division of Europe definitive. The Plan seriously damaged the Western European communistsââ¬â¢ efforts. Furthermore, the Marshall Plan has been termed inconceivable without the Cold War (Cronin 281). Soon enough, not only was the Marshall Plan in place to aid in the restoration of Western Europe, but it became a vital component in the Cold War. In the Cold War in Western Europe, Germany was a key country. It was to be split in two with the former Allies of WWII in Western Germany and the Soviets in Eastern Germany. But an odd development came about with Berlin, also spilt into east and west components, existing deep within Soviet controlled East Germany. This did not sit well with the Soviets and so they began a blockade of highways and roads into West Berlin in June, 1948.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
The Story :: essays research papers
A story can be many things. By the definition, a story is an adventure, a mix of litterary terms, a conflict, an antagonist, a protagonist or hero, all within a coherent timeline, to entertain or teach the person the story is told to. For a person of deeper interest though, a story isn't just something thought up of, it is a source of ideas all so wonderfully expressed, a downpour of action and suspense to crisp the eye, a flow of emotions to enchant the heart, or a deluge of unknown to challenge the mind. It could possibly be all of these. Most people cannot appreciate the true essence of a story. They merely watch it from afar, admire in dull silence without even attempting to travel into the world of the story and feel the emotions, enjoy the happiness, share the sorrow, and partake in the action. The few that do appreciate it well. One such person was Ned Devine. He truly adored all stories. Whether they were children's or adult's from all around the world, he truly worshiped nothing else. He knew many of them by heart and could recite them word for word after having read the books and seen the movies at least twenty times each. Now however, he was tired of reading and watching the stories of others. Wearied he was of the few yet constant imperfections in the ideas of the material he so well enjoyed over the many decades of his life. Worn was he of the stories that were too short, or that had unsatisfying conclusions he made a decision never before considered during his long lifetime; he was going to write the perfect story because he had discovered in the flash of an instant a deep secret. This time, no imperfections would be to speak of. The wording would be as close to the degree of perfection as possible. The grammar would be mastered as if he was the one who wrote the rules that defined it. Ned Devine was elated with his new idea. He believed that his creation would be the ultimate literary creation. It was to be impossible to be tired, wearied, or worn of such a magnificent fiction because it would endlessly tingle and tickle the emotion of the reader. He knew what to do to bring his masterpiece to reality; he was in need of aid from the most qualified people of the language.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Summary Red Bull
Marketing Analysis Report With advancements occurring dally to help the American citizen do ââ¬Å"what they Cid' In a more efficient way- Americans are getting more done In less time, thus having more time to do what? Morel This means that the energy it takes to do ââ¬Å"moreâ⬠is in high demand and highly sought after. Red Bull has a mission- and that is to ââ¬Å"give wings to people and ideasâ⬠. Red Bull has a marketing mix that is pretty consistent with that of other energy drink companies in the industry.The price is very affordable- and often the product Is on sale with a quantity discount at any gas station or grocery store. It is available In bulk as well, where the customer would receive a cost break as well. The ââ¬Å"placeâ⬠Red Bull is available makes It easy to attain- which Is a huge reason why It sold over $5. 2 billion cans last year (Red Bull Official Website, 2013) . It is readily available on almost any daily commute for the on-the-go American. Re d Bull began it's Journey/brand in Austria but is now located in 165 countries making distribution an ease.The Red Bull product is mostly Ready-to-Drink energy drinks, but their sales also consist of branded clothing and promotional Items. Red Bull has a long enough helf life that It Isn't something that typically goes ââ¬Å"badâ⬠ââ¬â and It usually sells before the expiration date is even an issue. Promotion is something Red Bull is really great at. The brand Is available for those in extreme sports, in the right places at the local stores. The brand knows that it's target market is the 18-30 year old individual and knows how to reach them.When considering an environmental scan for Red Bull, the Information that Is available Is advantageous to the organization. Red Bull recognizes which external companies are it's competition and has devised plans to mitigate the risk of being nferior to those brands. Internally, Red Bull is financed from the operating cash flow and has a healthy financial position. Red Bull is multi-national so it operates in a way that works with the many different governmental systems.The rising sales in nations such as South Africa helped the Red Bull brand to grow by 15. 9% in 2012. (Official Red Bull Website ââ¬â 2013). When conducting a Marketing Segmentation Analysis- some factors to Include would be age, gender, Income and geographic area. With Red Bull, it is advantageous to note that their target market is 18-30 typically male individuals. Within that target market however, there are different methods that must be used to market to those consumers.The 18-22 year old who consumes Red Bull may have to be reached in a college setting, during extreme sports, or on day-time television as they are not the typical working the 9-5 schedule. 22-30 year olds may have to be reached In professional settings, bar-scenes or on certain televlslon channels. Recognizing the difference in the ages is crucial for the brand. Geographica lly, Red Bull is versatile and has sales across the world- but has larger sales in countries that ave a generally younger aged growing population. Red Bull does come with ethical Issues.There are numerous studies that show that Energy DrlnKs come witn nuge nealtn rlsKs I ne product nasn't Deen around Tor long enough to really be studied over a long period of time- but there have been studies conducted that link Red Bull to heart issues, stroke, growth stunt, and even cancer. Red Bull hasn't been known for any labor issues or integral issues as a company other than not disclosing the many health issues or resolving them in a proactive manner. Red Bull is typically mixed with alcohol in nightclubs and establishments hat serve alcohol.Various health officials have posted warnings to avoid mixing Red Bull with alcohol because of a death that occurred in Hong Kong where a British patron consumed it with alcohol and later died. Linda Rychter, a spokeswoman for Red Bull in Australia, said that the report would be assessed by the companys head office in Austria. She also said, and I quote, ââ¬Å"The study does not show effects which would go beyond that of drinking a cup of coffee.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Immigration and Border Protection
Running Head: Immigration and Border Protection 1 Immigration and Border Protection of Department of Homeland Security Donald Capak Keiser University Immigration and Border Protection 2 Abstract It is my belief that the dissolution of the former U. S. Immigration and Naturalization and Customs Service and the creation of separate agencies under the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) was sound political decision.It is my belief that it was also a move to show the American people that the government was making attempts to help strengthen our security. In the next few pages of this assignment I will attempt to explain my decision to this question backed by research and information supporting me. I will discuss how the newly formed U. S. Customs and Border Protection and Immigration and Customs Enforcement was a step in the right direction to provide U. S. citizens with a sense of safety and security. I will primary focus on these two agencies, their details and what agencies they rep laced. Keywords: Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Immigration and Naturalization and Customs Service, Customs and Border Protection and Immigration, Customs Enforcement Immigration and Border Protection 3 Immigration and Border Protection Of Department of Homeland Security Before the events on September 11th all immigration policy and enforcement was handled by the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) under the Department of Justice. However once the Department of Homeland Security was created, the INS was absorbed and broken down into seperate offices.Two of these offices include the U. S. Customs and Border Protection and the Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Immigration and Customs enforcement is responsible for enforcing immigration laws within the United States. Immigration and customs enforcement is similar except they are aimed at enforcing the laws at points of entry into the United States. In the next few pages of this assignment I will give an overview of b oth the U. S. Customs and Border Protection and the Immigration and Customs enforcement, explaining what they do and how their creation was a benefit to the United States.The U. S. Customs and Border Protectionââ¬â¢s responsibilities include protecting the nationââ¬â¢s borders and ensuring that people and cargo arrive on U. S. soil both safety and legally. They protect American citizens from weapons of mass destruction, illegal animals and plants and even contraband. Their purpose is to detect threats before they reach the U. S. in attempts to avert disasters (Jane Bullock, George Haddow, Damon Coppola, Sarp Yeletaysi , 2009). Their numbers are upwards of 53,000 both stateside and overseas. (Who We are. Retrieved from http://www. cbp. ov/xp/cgov/careers/customs_careers/we_are_cbp. xml). On March 1st, 2003 the CBP became an official part of the Department of Homeland Security. Immigration and Border Protection 4This move, led by former commission Robert Bonner, combined employe es from the United States Department of Agriculture, the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service and the United States Customs Service. (US Customs and Border Protection. Retrieved from http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/U. S. Customs_and_Border_Protection#U. S. _Customs_Service. ). This move was critical to the U. S. defense against foreign attack. Not only did this move reorganize three different organizations into one, but it also established a more unified system. This in turn helped communication and response to threats. With a single organization, instead of two or three, it helped keep the focus on the primary goal; there would be no more varying paths. It was basically unified under one leadership. Another reason that this was done was because the Customs and Border Protection was in need of a serious overhaul.Originally the Immigration and Naturalization Service received its roots after the American Civil war. Many states began passing their own laws regarding immi gration, the federal government saw this as a problem and passed the Immigration Act of 1891, making immigration a federal manner. (2010, Immigration and Naturalization Service. Retrieved from http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/U. S. _Customs_and_Border_Protection#U. S. _Customs_Service. ) In the early 1900ââ¬â¢s immigration laws started becoming stricter to help protect U. S. citizens and their wages. Laws in 1921 and 1924 began limiting the amount of Immigrants entering the U.S. based on quotas. In 1940, President Roosevelt transferred the INS to the department of Justice where it would remain for the next forty three years. (2010, Immigration and Naturalization Service. Retrieved from http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/U. S. _Customs_and_Border_Protection#U. S. _Customs_Service. ). Immigration and Border Protection 5 So as one can see, the INS was a fairly outdated system, primary used to limit Immigration and protect citizens from the problems of that era.Instead of performing an ove rhaul, like in 2003, they added organizations to it in attempts to cope with the changing times. This was ineffective and primitive. It caused for confusion amongst the different divisions leaders and made for very poor communication. Using these facts, it is my belief that the decision to create the U. S. Borders and Customs Protection was a wise and valuable decision in securing U. S. citizens from harm. Immigration and Customs Enforcement is the largest investigate arm of the DHS. (Bullock et al. 2010). This division, also known simply as ICE, is responsible for investigating and removing threats to the U.S. Employees of ICE, an estimated 15,000 strong, investigate and enforce over 400 federal statutes within the U. S. and maintain communication with overseas embassies. They also have one the broadest investigative authorities of any federal agency. (2010, U. S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Retrieved from http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/U. S. _Immigration_and_Customs_Enfor cement. ) Much like the US Borders and Customs Protection, the Immigration and Customs enforcement was created after the eventââ¬â¢s of 9/11 and following the creation of the DHS. The creation of ICE was also similar in that it combined
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Free Essays on Brewing Excellence-The Case Of Starbucks Corporation
Starbucks have started its business in 1971 by opening a shop in Seattle's Pike Place Market. Until 1986 their operations were mainly in the area of Seattle, but from that year they started their expansion in other cities in the U.S. by opening coffee shops. Today Starbucks is operating 6,294 coffee retail shops throughout the world. How does Starbucks deliver good experience to customers? The company objective is to establish Starbucks as the most recognized and respected brand in the world. Their goal is to deliver the best service to their customers and also to deliver the best taste of the coffee. They are purchasing and roasting high quality whole bean coffee. They have variety of brand names which are widely known throughout the world and they are not only sold in their retail shops but also in the supermarkets. In their retail stores you can taste more than 30 types of different coffees, but you can also find ââ¬Å"Tazoâ⬠tea, Starbucks ice cream, food, sweets, and many other things which make their stores a pleasant environment. Furthermore they are trying to introduce new products and develop new distribution channels in order to achieve their objectives. There are many interesting services offered by Starbucks to their customers but we would like to mention only few which make them different from other retail stores. For instance the Starbucks Corporati on has introduced ââ¬Å"The Starbucks Cardâ⬠which gives the ability to their customers to use the card as a form of a currency. With the introduction of this card they are improving their customer service; they shorten the lines in stores, and make a personââ¬â¢s daily stop at Starbucks quicker and more convenient. Additionally, the card is so technologically advanced that it is actually faster to use than a credit card, debit card, or even cash. Next interesting service they offer to their customers is the wireless internet connection in their coffee shops. They provide custom... Free Essays on Brewing Excellence-The Case Of Starbucks Corporation Free Essays on Brewing Excellence-The Case Of Starbucks Corporation Starbucks have started its business in 1971 by opening a shop in Seattle's Pike Place Market. Until 1986 their operations were mainly in the area of Seattle, but from that year they started their expansion in other cities in the U.S. by opening coffee shops. Today Starbucks is operating 6,294 coffee retail shops throughout the world. How does Starbucks deliver good experience to customers? The company objective is to establish Starbucks as the most recognized and respected brand in the world. Their goal is to deliver the best service to their customers and also to deliver the best taste of the coffee. They are purchasing and roasting high quality whole bean coffee. They have variety of brand names which are widely known throughout the world and they are not only sold in their retail shops but also in the supermarkets. In their retail stores you can taste more than 30 types of different coffees, but you can also find ââ¬Å"Tazoâ⬠tea, Starbucks ice cream, food, sweets, and many other things which make their stores a pleasant environment. Furthermore they are trying to introduce new products and develop new distribution channels in order to achieve their objectives. There are many interesting services offered by Starbucks to their customers but we would like to mention only few which make them different from other retail stores. For instance the Starbucks Corporati on has introduced ââ¬Å"The Starbucks Cardâ⬠which gives the ability to their customers to use the card as a form of a currency. With the introduction of this card they are improving their customer service; they shorten the lines in stores, and make a personââ¬â¢s daily stop at Starbucks quicker and more convenient. Additionally, the card is so technologically advanced that it is actually faster to use than a credit card, debit card, or even cash. Next interesting service they offer to their customers is the wireless internet connection in their coffee shops. They provide custom...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Progresssion of transition of handwritten essays to computer essays
Progresssion of transition of handwritten essays to computer essays Sending prescription information electronically and via the Internet has become common practice with some doctors and pharmacies. In recent years more and more health care facilities are choosing this method for many different reasons. The practice of writing prescriptions and sending them electronically was first introduced by Walgreens in 1992 when it wrote the original Pre-Scribe software for IBM-compatible computers. It allowed doctors to dial into a central Walgreens database, which would route the prescription information to a specific Walgreens pharmacy. Other pharmacies and doctors have since begun using similar systems that have been developed and are continually being developed and updated. Some doctors and pharmacists prefer filling prescriptions that have first been entered into a computer for many reasons. Sending prescriptions by computer reduces the rate of error in filling the prescription. Many doctors handwriting is difficult to read. By entering the information for a prescription into a computer, the pharmacist knows exactly what the doctor wants for the patient, which saves time for both the doctor and the pharmacist. Patient information, such as name, medical record number, age and weight can also be included with the computer-generated prescriptions, further reducing the chance for errors. Many doctors and pharmacists must still use hand-written prescriptions because of the difficulty in creating a program that can be integrated with the different software programs used by doctors and pharmacists. Doctors do not want their computers to have to call into several different pharmacies to send several different prescriptions, rather they would prefer a central switching service to connect doctors with all the pharmacists in their area. The switching service would then send the prescription to the appropriate pharmacy. Other health care professionals are unclear of the eco ...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Learn the Endings of Fifth Declension Latin Nouns
Learn the Endings of Fifth Declension Latin Nouns Latin is an inflected language, meaning that words are modified to express different grammatical categories such as tense, number, gender, or case. Many inflected languages make a distinction between the modification of verbs versus other parts of speech. The inflection of verbs, for instance, is also called conjugation, whereas the inflection of nouns, adjectives, and pronouns is known as declension. Latin nouns possess gender, case, and number (i.e., singular and plural). While the declensions generally delineate number and case, gender does have its place in the language, particularly with the neuter nouns. The Latin language has five declensions, each of which is based on the stem. The first declension is considered the ââ¬âa stem, the second the ââ¬âo stem, the third is consonantal, the fourth the ââ¬âu stem, and the fifth the ââ¬âe stem. Every noun in Latin follows on of these five declensions. Here we will look at the declension of Latin nouns, specifically the fifth declension. Fifth Declension of Latin Nouns The fifth declension nouns in Latin are sometimes called -e stem nouns. The nouns of this declension are few but common. Like the first declension, fifth declension nouns are typically feminine, which a few exceptions. For instance, the word for day (dies) can be either masculine or feminine in the singular, but in the plural, it is masculine.à Meridies, the Latin word for mid-day, is also masculine. Otherwise, the fifth declension nouns are all feminine (all 50 or so of them). The forms of fifth declension are easily taken for third declension forms. But mistaking an accusative plural fifth declension noun for an accusative plural third declension noun, for instance, as long as you have the gender right, should cause no trouble in translation. Most Fifth Declension Nouns in Nominative Singular End in -IES The Rudiments of Latin and English Grammar,à by Alexander Adam (1820) characterizes fifth declension Latin nouns as follows: All nouns of the fifth declension end in ies, except three; fides, faith; spes, hope; res, a thing; and all nouns in ies are of the fifth, except these four; abies, a firtree; aries, a ram; paries, a wall; and quies, rest; which are of the third declension. The Fifth Declension Endings The endings of the masculine or feminine fifth declension are as follows:à Case Singular Plural NOM. -es -es GEN. -ei -erum DAT. -ei -ebus ACC. -em -es ABL. -e -ebus Letââ¬â¢s take a look at these fifth declension endings in action using the Latin word dies, -ei,à f. or m., day. Case Singular Plural NOM. dies dies GEN. diei dierum DAT. diei or die diebus ACC. diem dies ABL. die diebus Here are some other fifth declension nouns for practice: effigies, effigiei, f., effigyfides, fidei, f., faithres, rei, f., thingspes, spei, f., hope. For more information and resources, explore a paradigm of an additional fifth declension noun,à à f.à (thinness), complete with macrons and umlauts.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
The Effect of the Unemployment Rate on Rape Essay
The Effect of the Unemployment Rate on Rape - Essay Example Table 1: Raw employment and rape data from each of the 50 states for the year of 2010. Unemployment Rape 9.5 28.2 8 75 10 33.9 7.9 45 12.4 22.4 8.9 43.7 9.1 16.3 8.5 34.7 9.6 31.1 11.5 28.6 10.2 21.6 6.6 26.8 9.3 33.5 10.3 23.6 10.2 27.2 6.1 27.4 7 38.8 7.5 31.8 7.9 27.2 7.5 29.3 8.5 21.3 12.5 26.7 7.3 47.3 10.4 33.9 9.6 31.2 7.2 23.9 4.7 32.4 14.9 36.8 6.1 35.7 9.5 31.3 8.4 11.2 8.6 46.5 10.6 14.3 3.9 21.1 7 35.2 10.1 32.1 7.1 38.7 10.8 31.7 8.7 26.9 11.6 28.1 11.2 31.7 4.8 47.9 9.7 33.7 8.2 33.3 7.7 34.3 6.2 21.1 9.6 31.1 9.1 38.1 9.1 19.1 8.3 20.9 7 29.1 The Pearson Product-Moment Correlation was used to test for a significant correlation between the two variables (Table 2). A two tailed test was used. The Pearson correlation coefficient (r) was -0.137 which indicates that there is a weakly negative relationship. For this study, an ? value of less than 0.05 was taken to mean the result was significant (at ?=0.05, the result has a 5% likelihood of being incorrect) (Lehman, 2005). T he p value for the correlation was 0.336, indicating that there was no statistically significant relationship between the two variables. Table 2: Output of Pearson Product-Moment Correlation test for the raw data given in Table 1. Unemployment Rape Unemployment Pearson Correlation 1 -0.137 Sig. (2-tailed) 0.336 N 51 51 Rape Pearson Correlation -0.137 1 Sig. ... nsequence of these results, the null hypothesis, that there is no statistically significant relationship between the rates of rape and unemployment, is not rejected. These results mean that as the unemployment rate increased, the number of rapes per 100,000 people decreased. However, this trend was slight, and not significantly significant. Consequently, the most reliable and accurate conclusion from the data would be that the unemployment rate had no significant effect on the number of rapes. Policy and Research Effects The results of this study, as well as its policy implications, indicate little to no effect of unemployment rate on rape. Furthermore, the small effect that was observed was in the opposite effect than was predicted. It suggests that rape and unemployment are distinct factors that do not influence one another. As a consequence, and if the results of more rigorous studies support this finding, policy should not look at trying to decrease the amount of rape by decreasi ng unemployment, but rather work at developing solutions to both problems independently. The effect of unemployment on rape have been the focus of many studies, however the results from the current paper indicate that there may not be an effect. I would recommend that studies examine this trend over a longer period of time, as only one year was considered for this paper. In addition, it would be worth widening the focus to include other factors that may correlate with levels of rape, such as the prevalence of internet pornography, which has been suggested to decrease rape due to providing release for potential offenders. Other factors that have also been suggested to affect the amount of rape occurring include: the level of crime overall, availability of alcohol and drugs, poverty and
Friday, October 18, 2019
Business perposal Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Business perposal - Research Paper Example It provides catering services delivering various kinds of delicious food items to the plates of the customers. The business in this regard specializes in vegetarian food items and non-vegetarian food items as well. In addition, according to the request of the customer the company also renders its services in terms of continental food items at a competitive price in the market (Hirshleifer & Et. Al., 2005). Apart from catering services the company, also organizes event for its customers belonging to the commercial and the general market as well. In this case, the company manages the event location, the decorative measures, and both the fooding and lodging services if demanded. In addition, the company also renders transport services to its customers while organizing such event. Moreover, the company specializes in organizing small or big events in various occasions, but excels in organizing business conferences. The company renders its services in various price ranges considering the comfortability of the customers and the competitive environment in which the business firm operates. Consequently, the prices are based on certain variables, such as the total number of guests, the food items selected to be served on the occasion, the venue of the event, and the time duration of the event that can range from a half day to even two days. Based on all these variables, the average pricing structure of the company ranges from a minimum of $25 per person and a maximum of $140 per person for general customers. However, for the commercial customers the pricing structure ranges from $30 per person to $220 per person (Hamster Internet, Inc., 2011). Notably, the pricing structure mentioned above does not include extra charges of tip, i.e. inclining the customersââ¬â¢ to their discretion. The additional charges also take account of taxation adhering to the legal rules and regulations prescribed by the regulatory bodies. The services in this regard not only accounts the
Child hood obesity Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Child hood obesity - Assignment Example Child obesity rates in the U.S. have more than trebled in the previous 30 years, and one of every three kids is obese, counting the children in Ohio.à Obesity of such prevalent proportions can lead to innumerable negative implications on childrenââ¬â¢s health, and the health of the adults they develop into.à Around one-third of Ohio children are obese or overweight, and that number has been growing over the years. Cincinnati Childrenââ¬â¢s Hospital Medical Centre and the Ohio Childrenââ¬â¢s Hospital Association have powerfully reinforced this bill from thebeginning. According to the 2008 Ohio Family Health Survey, around 500,000 children between the age 10-17 (35.6%) are regarded as overweight or obese according to BMI-for-age values. Moreover, the National Survey of Childrenââ¬â¢s Health implies that 37.1% of children ages 10-17 in Kentucky are overweight or obese, positioning Kentucky as the 48th in the nation. These general statistics disguise the greater burden of obesity among low income as well as minority populations. It is a common fact that physically fit and active children actually do better educationally, and that large and overweight children are 30% more likely to repeat a grade and nearly 60% more probable to miss more than two weeks of school. It is indications like these that support policy makers comprehend why action is needed. The wide spread epidemic of obesity will require an intensive comeback on the part of families, communities, practitioners as well as policy makers at the local, state, and national points. Focus should linger on generating the evidence base to notify policy decisions, creating timely data available to support and assist in monitoring progress, serving practitioners in improving their ability to stop, recognize, and cope with children who face obesity, and associating with community organizations to improve synchronised, multi-sectorial responses. A specific importance in our work will
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Defines Compares and Contrast Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Defines Compares and Contrast - Coursework Example ther hand has been defined to be the putting together of creative ideas either in paperwork or in physical pattern to make the idea a tangible value (Zhao, Calantone and Cavusgil, 2002). Capron (1999) also mentioned that innovation represents the actual implementation of something that is new. From the definitions given, it would be noted that there are some ways in which all of these three important terms are different from each other and other ways in which they closely relate to each other. Comparing the three terms, Poon, Choi and Davis (2008) explained that all of innovation, design and creativity are needed in a typical organization to make the execution of organizational goals possible; especially in cases where organizations want to build a competitive advantage for themselves. By this explanation, the meaning that is drawn is that innovation, design and creativity are all focused on bringing about things that are new and different from what already exists. Therefore even though the three may carry different meanings, they are all concerned with new ideas because it is when organizations are able to differentiate themselves from others through creative, innovative and design oriented means that they gain competitive advantage over their competitors. Another important similarity that organizational leaders ought to know in the application of these three terms is that none of the three is independent on its own (Capron, 1999). Rather, they each depend on the other t o ensure the objectives for which they are independently set are achieved. By implication, even though each of these can help organizations achieve different objectives, the achievement will not be made if the three are not used together. Despite the similarities, there are various differences that exist between these three terms. For example, whereas creativity is abstract and produces abstract results, innovation is highly tangible as it results in implemented products. In effective, a person
Business Development and the Nature Globalization Essay
Business Development and the Nature Globalization - Essay Example These tasks involve sales, marketing, as well as the development of suitable and reliable strategies for the business organisation. The attention of all businesses should be directed towards the establishment of marketing teams with suitable strategies as well as focus on business expansion. Globalisation is all about expansion; hence, Avny (2006) believes that business entities are obliged to embrace the concept in order to achieve immense expansion and generate significant revenue for its self as well as national growth and development. Globalisation, as earlier noted is a product of human innovation and rapid advancement in technology. Technology presents business organisations with numerous opportunities that can be pivotal in the success or rather development of a business entity. The frequent identification of these opportunities presented by technology makes it possible for these small business entities to expand and reach international markets and as a result bring in more in come. Thus, Todaro and Smith (2009) opine that business developmentââ¬â¢s major role is to help firms identify and take advantage of the emerging market opportunities. The Nature of Globalisation Among the phenomena worth taking note of across the last period of the twentieth century is globalisation. By itself, it carries significant importance both in developing or what are referred to as Least Developed Countries (LDCs), and developed nations across the globe. The processââ¬â¢ emergence and expansion can be credited to the advancements made in the transportation sector, communications as well as the rapid technological advancement towards the end of the twentieth century and into the twenty first century (Avny, 2007). The advancements made have helped in the reallocation of human... This essay approves that the growth and development of infrastructure like roads and communication lines have resulted in the reduced intervals between the travel times taken from the production and or manufacturing point to destination and or sale points enabling more countries to take part in the trade. The growth of these activities has seen more opportunities arise for the development of business entities which has been a credible contributor to the advancement in the economy of LDCs. It is easy to see the amount of similar products that are flooding the world markets in the contemporary world; an indicator that the world is moving in the direction of becoming a one-village market and or community. According to Birdsall, Rodrik and Subramanian, these developments result in the fast growth and development of these nationsââ¬â¢ economies due to the increased multinational trade. The activities involving movement and or exchange of capital included indirect and direct financial i nvestments in least developed countries (LDCs) with the aim of raising the incomes and or revenue of the countries. The local businesses and or industries are required to meet international standards as a requirement of globalisation and as a result some are forced to merge with other multinationals in order to increase their operations. This report makes a conclusion that globalisation is an evoking concept that still is opposed by an ideological minority unable to deny the benefits associated with globalisation knowledge with respect to development of businesses as well as national economies. The few who view globalisation as some form of capitalism should drop the idea and embrace the concept as a major factor in business development.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Defines Compares and Contrast Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Defines Compares and Contrast - Coursework Example ther hand has been defined to be the putting together of creative ideas either in paperwork or in physical pattern to make the idea a tangible value (Zhao, Calantone and Cavusgil, 2002). Capron (1999) also mentioned that innovation represents the actual implementation of something that is new. From the definitions given, it would be noted that there are some ways in which all of these three important terms are different from each other and other ways in which they closely relate to each other. Comparing the three terms, Poon, Choi and Davis (2008) explained that all of innovation, design and creativity are needed in a typical organization to make the execution of organizational goals possible; especially in cases where organizations want to build a competitive advantage for themselves. By this explanation, the meaning that is drawn is that innovation, design and creativity are all focused on bringing about things that are new and different from what already exists. Therefore even though the three may carry different meanings, they are all concerned with new ideas because it is when organizations are able to differentiate themselves from others through creative, innovative and design oriented means that they gain competitive advantage over their competitors. Another important similarity that organizational leaders ought to know in the application of these three terms is that none of the three is independent on its own (Capron, 1999). Rather, they each depend on the other t o ensure the objectives for which they are independently set are achieved. By implication, even though each of these can help organizations achieve different objectives, the achievement will not be made if the three are not used together. Despite the similarities, there are various differences that exist between these three terms. For example, whereas creativity is abstract and produces abstract results, innovation is highly tangible as it results in implemented products. In effective, a person
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Benchmarking Microarchitecture Using Software Research Paper
Benchmarking Microarchitecture Using Software - Research Paper Example 327). These are defined by many parameters such as the instructions set, the instruction encoding and the rules for using these instructions. Some of the rules are mnemonics addressing modes and functionality. The details at this level are invisible to the user. This is known as abstraction. The implementation of MIPS is borne on the platform of Reduced Instruction Set Computers (RISC). Validation and Verification Validation in system design is concerned with the confirmation that the goals set are the right ones. This is to enable the proper implementation of the project. Validation is usually done during several different stages of development. It is essential at each level because it ensures that the preceding level is valid before proceeding to the next one. Validation is achieved in different ways. In the micro architecture, use of test inputs and checking on the result is the most common way of validation and verifying the system. So, before the development of the I/O functions , an algorithm is used to test various features if the microsystem. The benchmark program checks for the validity of many features of the micro architecture and verifies some of the features (Patterson, p. 47). Some of these features of the microsystem are illustrated below. The benchmark program used generates a quadratic residue from the integer inputs used by the algorithm. This program checks for functionality of different features mostly in computation. This is because it is the most important feature of the design. The instruction that will be fed into the system will need to be computed consistently. This makes the feature the basis of the design. This computation results in the output of the residue problem used. The program can be altered by using different quadratic residue problems to check for consistency in the system. This is also good for checking the range of values that the program can accept as input and compute without crashing. This is vital because then the desi gners can tell whether the system can accept the range of inputs specified in the requirements. They can also check whether it will need reprogramming. During this kind of testing, sometimes, wrong inputs are put to check how the system will react to them. The system should be able to handle wrong inputs without devastating consequences that will lead to system failure. The users are likely to enter wrong inputs from time to time and their handling should be factored in the design. The use of an 8-bit feedback register shows that the system has functionality for feedback. Feedback is described as the process where the system uses the output generated from a process as input for the same or a similar process. This is common in scenarios where complex computations are performed. These computations require the output of a process to be used as input. If this value has not been generated correctly, the system is likely to encounter an error. This is another feature, which is checked by the system. The application of this feedback is handled using a register. There are several other methods used for feedback systems such as logic circuits, but they are all used interchangeably. The program also has an increment functionality. This functionality is used to increase the value in the counter. The counter has many uses in the system, but is mostly utilized in checking the number of times a program performs a certain function. The increment functions increase the value
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Adaptive Energy Efficient Transmission in WSNs
Adaptive Energy Efficient Transmission in WSNs A novel approach for adaptive energy efficient transmission in WSNs S Murthy Vedireswarapu, Muni Bhaskar. Athikayala Shankar.T Abstract In wireless sensor networks (WSNs), sensor nodes work on finite capacity batteries. So, in order to increase network lifetime the mobile sensor nodes should be operated at low power. Hence, we need a novel approach for efficient scheme for transmission in WSNs. In this scheme, according to temperature changes the connectivity between sensor nodes is estimated by using open loop process, the network is divided into three regions based on closed loop feedback process which helps to reduce packets overhead in the network. Region dependent threshold on loss of transmitter power (RSloss) and present number of nodes in each region helps to adjust transmission power level according to changes in connectivity between nodes because of changes in temperature. This scheme achieves high energy saving than existing conventional method. Index Termsââ¬âthreshold on transmitter power loss, wireless sensor networks (WSNs), transmitter power level. I. INTRODUCTION Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) works based on IEEE 802.15.4 standard. This standard operates at frequency of 2.4GHZ and data rate of 250 kbps. WSNs are used mainly in industrial, bio medical, security surveillance and weather monitoring applications. Each sensor node consists of: radio transmitter, receiver, sensing unit, processing unit and limited capacity battery [1] .Because of limited battery lifetime at each sensor node, the transmitter power level should be minimized to increase the energy efficiency and network lifetime of WSNs. In WSNs all the systems should be operate at low power to increase energy efficiency because it is an important concern in wireless communication. To collect data from different environments sensor nodes are deployed at different locations within WSNs. While the communication between sensor nodes they consume less power as sensor nodes operate on limited battery, and temperature effects the connectivity between the sensor nodes. So, we need to reduce energy consumption for communication between sensor nodes, and at the same time ensure that good connectivity between sensor nodes in order to increase network life time [2-4].we analyzed a new scheme for Ptlevel to efficiently adjust the connectivity between nodes due to temperature changes. This scheme improves network lifetime while maintaining good connectivity between sensor nodes. By using temperature sensor, the connectivity between each node is estimated in open loop process. Estimated degradation in connectivity is compensated by using closed loop feedback process in the new scheme. In this scheme we obtain less transmission power compared to existing schemes. II. LITERATURE REVIEW In algorithm of local mean (LMA), Based on number of received acknowledgements by the reference node the transmission Plevel is adjusted according to threshold transmission Ptlevel .It improves network lifetime but cannot estimate the link quality [5]. In other existing schemes based on RSloss, transmitter Ptlevel is estimated [6]. In other existing scheme closed loop feedback process is used for connectivity estimation .In this scheme each node aware of required Ptlevel to be maintained with its adjacent nodes. According to connectivity changes it adjusts the transmission power level [7].The above schemes cannot guarantee both low power transmission and good connectivity between nodes. The new scheme efficiently adjusts the connectivity changes according to temperature changes. Based on RSloss ,Ptlevel is estimated for all three regions for good connectivity between the nodes. III. PROBLEM STATEMENT In WSNs due to multipath propagation signal strength varies irregularly, the signal strength mainly depends on the transmitted power at any time. The reason for the variation in the RSloss .First the variation in signal strength according to distance due to multipath effect, secondly the environmental factors like temperature effects the signal strength. So the temperature is one of the main factors which affect the RSloss and transmission power level. Hence we need to compensate these parameters according to surrounding temperature variations. IV. SOLVING METHODOLOGY In this scheme open loop feedback process uses temperature sensor to detect the temperature variations. In closed loop feedback process, transmission Ptlevel is adjusted based on control packets overhead. Based on open loop and closed loop feedback process the network is divided into three logical regions: as high, medium and low represented with X, Y and Z respectively. In this scheme we use RSloss to measure the connectivity with relatively low overhead. Open loopnc(t) nd(t) Closed loop Figure 1: Block diagram V. ENERGY-EFFICIENT TRANSMISSION SCHEME. In this scheme, transmission Ptlevel is adjusted by the power controller by utilizing the current number of nodes and temperature sensed by each node. Temperature compensation is done in case of any changes in temperature sensed at a sensor by using the relation between temperature and RSloss. Transmission power loss due to temperature variation is given as [9] RSloss[dBm]=0.1996*(T[0C]-25[0C]). By using LSA the transmitter Ptlevel is obtained as follows [9] Ptlevel=[(RSloss+40)/12]^2.91 According to free space model the actual transmitter power level is obtained as follows, Ptr[dBm]=[ Ãâ Ã
¾*( Eb/No)*mkTB*(4Ã d/Ã »)2+RNF]+RSloss Here number of nodes (N), distance between each node (d),signal to noise ratio(Eb/No), spectral efficiency(Ãâ Ã
¾), frequency(f) and Receiver noise figure(RNF). [9] The main variables are transmitter power loss and transmitter power in each region decides the working of working of algorithm. A beacon message is broadcasted periodically by the reference node and waits for ACKs. If ACKs are received from nodes, RSloss is estimated for division of network logically, considering region X with high RSloss, region Y with medium RSloss and low RSloss as Z region. Estimating of transmitter Ptlevel is as follows: If RSloss loss threshold then default transmitter Ptlevel is assigned. In other case if RSloss âⰠ¥ RSloss threshold and nc(t) âⰠ¥ nd(t) ,then threshold Ptlevel is assigned. For similar case with nc(t) d(t) transmitter Ptlevel is assigned. Minimum, Maximum and Average value of RSloss for all nodes present in the network can formulated as follows: RSloss(min)=min(RSloss(k)), RSloss(max)=max(RSloss(k)), RSloss (Avg) = (min(RSloss(k)) + max(RSloss(k)))/2 Then limits of the three regions are given as: [7] For region X: RSloss( X max)=max(RSloss(k)), RSloss( X min)= (RSloss(Avg)) + 2 Figure 2: Flow chart of reference node [7] To count number of nodes in each region, a counter is initialized with initially zero. For region Y: RSloss( Y max)=(RSloss(Avg)) + 2 RSloss( Y min)=(RSloss(Avg)) ââ¬â 2 For region Z: RSloss( Z max)=(RSloss(Avg)) ââ¬â 2 RSloss( Z min)=min(RSloss(k)) ; k à µ N RSloss( X Threshold) = RSloss( Y Threshold) = RSloss( Z Threshold) = RSlossà -new(X,Y,Z)(k)=RSloss(Threshold X,Y,Z) Given that for all k Ãâ°Ã¢â¬ º N, RSloss(Threshold X,Y,Z)âⰠ¤ RSloss(X,Y,Z)(k) And nc(t)(X,Y,Z) âⰠ¥ nd(t)(X,Y,Z) RSloss-new(X,Y,Z)(k)=RSloss(X,Y,Z)(k) Given that for all k à µ N, RSloss(Threshold X,Y,Z) âⰠ¤ RSloss (X,Y,Z)(k) And nc(t)(X,Y,Z) âⰠ¤ nd(t)(X,Y,Z) or RSloss(Threshold X,Y,Z)>RSloss(X,Y,Z)(k) Estimation of Ptlevel for new RSloss is formulated as for all k Ãâ°Ã¢â¬ º N, Ptlevel-new(X,Y,Z)(k)= [(RSloss-new(X,Y,Z)(k)+40)/12]^2.91 The difference between Ptlevels assigned before and after the proposed scheme is denoted as Ptsave. Ptsave (X,Y,Z) = VI. SIMULATION RESULTS Figure 3: Transmitter power saved in region X for different reference node location. From figure 3, we can infer that, maximum Ptsave is 12dBm to 21dBm. When a reference node is at origin of the square region, Ptsave is constant around 1dBm. Figure 4: Transmitter Ptsave in region Y for different reference node location. From above figure, we can infer that maximum. Ptsave for region Y varies from 12dBm to 21dBm Figure 5: Transmitter Ptsave in region Z for different reference location. Figure 6: Transmitter power for different rounds. From above figure 5, we can infer that Ptsave for region Z varies from -20dBm to 20dBm. From figure 6, we can clearly observe that Pt lies between -84dBm to ââ¬â 80dBm. VII. CONCLUSION By using this scheme the energy consumption of the mobile nodes is reduced in WSNs. This scheme uses both open loop control and closed loop feedback control process. The temperature changes are adjusted with the help of open loop process. By using these two processes the energy consumption of mobile sensor nodes is reduced by comparing with existing schemes. By dividing the network into three different regions we can prolong the lifetime of network and maintains good connectivity between sensor nodes.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Mexico and The World Bank: Rebuilding a Country :: Essays Papers
Mexico and The World Bank: Rebuilding a Country The 1994/1995 financial crisis in Mexico affected me in a very personal way. My family is from Mexico City, and my dad owns a small private firm that specializes in manufacturing tools. After the devaluation, I not only watched my father struggle with the failing economy and lack of business growth opportunities, I also witnessed a country begin to sink deeper into poverty and despair. There are many reasons for the devaluation, but one of the main ones is probably the ââ¬Å"poor savings rates and the low rate of investment (only saved 19 percent of GDP from 1980-1994)â⬠(Bloomburg). Low levels of social development and high levels of poverty consistently served as a drag to economic growth and reform measures. Next fall I am going to spend a quarter in Washington D.C. completing an internship at the World Bank. I am going to work in the Latin American department, so I will have the opportunity to deal very closely with the Bankââ¬â¢s strategies and projects in Mexico. Therefore I have decided to research the relationship between the World Bank and Mexico. The World Bank is one of the worldââ¬â¢s largest sources of development assistance. It is not really a bank, but rather a specialized agency comprised of 184 member countries. Along with several other institutions, the Bank provides low-interest loans, interest-free credit and grants to developing countries. The Bank has provided assistance to Mexico for over 5 decades, and projects loans totaling $5 billion to Mexico up to the year 2005. Mexico holds the second largest share of the Bankââ¬â¢s portfolio, which totals to a whopping 11.1 billion dollars (9.4 % of total portfolio). The Bank works alongside Mexican authorities and officials and both regional and municipal levels to lay out plans and devise strategies that will hopefully help to build up the Mexican economy and social welfare. The Bank currently runs 31 active projects with a net commitment of $5.4 billion. Today Mexico is defined as a middle-income country, although many of its residents continue to survive off less than 1 or 2 dollars per day. Those who live on less than $1 per day do not have access to sufficient food or clean water. Income per capita is $5070 (the highest in Latin America). Mexico and The World Bank: Rebuilding a Country :: Essays Papers Mexico and The World Bank: Rebuilding a Country The 1994/1995 financial crisis in Mexico affected me in a very personal way. My family is from Mexico City, and my dad owns a small private firm that specializes in manufacturing tools. After the devaluation, I not only watched my father struggle with the failing economy and lack of business growth opportunities, I also witnessed a country begin to sink deeper into poverty and despair. There are many reasons for the devaluation, but one of the main ones is probably the ââ¬Å"poor savings rates and the low rate of investment (only saved 19 percent of GDP from 1980-1994)â⬠(Bloomburg). Low levels of social development and high levels of poverty consistently served as a drag to economic growth and reform measures. Next fall I am going to spend a quarter in Washington D.C. completing an internship at the World Bank. I am going to work in the Latin American department, so I will have the opportunity to deal very closely with the Bankââ¬â¢s strategies and projects in Mexico. Therefore I have decided to research the relationship between the World Bank and Mexico. The World Bank is one of the worldââ¬â¢s largest sources of development assistance. It is not really a bank, but rather a specialized agency comprised of 184 member countries. Along with several other institutions, the Bank provides low-interest loans, interest-free credit and grants to developing countries. The Bank has provided assistance to Mexico for over 5 decades, and projects loans totaling $5 billion to Mexico up to the year 2005. Mexico holds the second largest share of the Bankââ¬â¢s portfolio, which totals to a whopping 11.1 billion dollars (9.4 % of total portfolio). The Bank works alongside Mexican authorities and officials and both regional and municipal levels to lay out plans and devise strategies that will hopefully help to build up the Mexican economy and social welfare. The Bank currently runs 31 active projects with a net commitment of $5.4 billion. Today Mexico is defined as a middle-income country, although many of its residents continue to survive off less than 1 or 2 dollars per day. Those who live on less than $1 per day do not have access to sufficient food or clean water. Income per capita is $5070 (the highest in Latin America).
Friday, October 11, 2019
Mon Amour
Caught in the persistence of unpleasant memories, love and death intertwined with the vestiges of war, the city Hiroshima transforms from a site of horrendous tragedy to a symbol of the blossoming of love despite the iniquities of trauma brought by the war. In Hiroshima, Mon Amour, a French actress developed an intense affair with a Japanese architect. Her lover seems to have to be someone unexpectedly her type, for she fell previously for a German soldier during the World War II in Nevers, France. The actress was going to Hiroshima to play a part in a film ââ¬Å"about peaceâ⬠.à Her intention of going there was to erase her tragic memories of the war, only to find out that her memories magnified by the greater collective memory of atomic destruction. The film Hiroshima, Mon Amour does not place a fixed point where emotion, morality and ethics meet, it lets the viewer decide for themselves on how they interpret how the scenes and the place unites to weave the sublimity of their love story: The magnificent Emmanuelle Riva is less the ââ¬Å"starâ⬠of the film than its primary ââ¬Å"soloist,â⬠to extend the musical metaphorââ¬âââ¬âin comparison, Eiji Okadaââ¬â¢s architect-lover is more of a first violin type. There is a dominant motif, which is the sense of being overpowered, ravished, takenââ¬âââ¬âa French woman who wants to be overpowered by her Japanese lover (ââ¬Å"Take me. Deform me, make me uglyâ⬠), an Asian man who is consumed by his Western loverââ¬â¢s beauty and unknowability, a fictional peace rally overwhelmed by its real-life antecedent, everyday reality drowned out by a flood of memories, a city devastated by nuclear force (Jones, 1959). Although classified as an art film that developed in the French New Wave movement in the early 1960s, the movie seems to transform into somewhat a docu-drama that serves to remind the viewers about the extent of damage of the atomic bomb dropped in Hiroshima. In the opening of the film alone, the movie bursts with symbolic close-ups of entwined human limbs covered in ash, summoning to memory the greatness of the catastrophe that cost millions of human lives. Using a series of dissolves, the viewers are introduced to the sweaty limbs of the film's lovers, as they are making love. A viewer may conceive the shots differently as they are led to think if it is really sweat, or mutations that resulted from the atomic bomb blasting that occurred. These shots convey in seconds the weird tension between the personal and the global at the film's core. They're also an indication of the visual density of Resnais' work: nothing on screen is throw-away. Those opening shots are followed by a 10-minute tour de force segment in which the director, Alan Resnais, seamlessly combines newly shot footage of the macabre artifacts (hair, teeth, pieces of human flesh in plastic display cases) at Hiroshima's museum remembering the nuclear attack, footage from Children of Hiroshima (Gembaku no ko), Japanese director Kaneto Shindà ´'s 1952 feature about the attack and its effects on the city's population, and gruesome newsreel footage of the injured and dying shot days after the bomb was dropped (Mancini, 2003). Scripted by the novelist Marguerite Duras, both protagonists are indeed ââ¬Ëpossessedââ¬â¢ by memories of the traumatic events they have respectively endured, and it is only thanks to a passionate love affair that their captivation by images from the past is converted into speech. It is as if their eroticized body triggers the release of traumatic memories and the experiencing for the first time of how war affected them, although no words were verbally expressed. This opening montage is accompanied by the lyrical voice-over of the lovers, the French woman's insistence she's seen Hiroshima and the effects of the bomb, the Japanese man's denial she ever could. The elliptical, artificial, and literary nature of the voice-over, its load of subtext could summon a certain sadness they both are hiding as a result of their traumas. Transmogrifying the social atmosphere at a certain point of history and the universal quality of love regardless of the national origin, the relationship establishes this by uniting traumatic memories and eroticized bodies routed through another level of signification, which has proved to be the film's most ambiguous dimension. For most spectators, it is the film's recourse to analogy that generates the greatest unease. It is not simply that the film properly arranges memories in a series of historical events that movie attempts to destabilize the enlightening narratives of the end of the Second World War, but the excesses associated with France's Liberation on the one hand, and the atomic annihilation of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on the other, gathers the over all feel of what the movie is all about. The discomfort that the film is still capable of provoking arises from the kinds of analogy it constructs between the personal memories and the collective commemoration of an atomic bomb that nearly annihilated the place ââ¬â the milieu where the characters are trapped. Is Hiroshima Mon Amour the story of a woman? Or is it the story of a place where a tragedy has occurred? Or of two places, housing two separate tragedies, one massive and the other private? In a sense, these questions belong to the film itself. The fact that Hiroshima continues to resist a comforting sense of definition almost fifty years after its release may help to account for Resnaisââ¬â¢ nervousness when he set off for the shoot in Japan. He was convinced that his film was going to fall apart, but the irony is that he and Duras had never meant for it to come together in the first place. What they created, with the greatest delicacy and emotional and physical precision, was an anxious aesthetic object, as unsettled over its own identity and sense of direction as the world was unsettled over how to go about its business after the cataclysmic horror of World War II (Jones, 1959). As Damian Cannon (1997) expounded, Hiroshima is the very place where the conservation of the event in memory and its refutation in forgetting become simultaneously possible. Elle chooses to tell her story because she is in a place where things can be remembered, and then, ultimately, forgotten. It is important to note that the dropping of the bomb on Hiroshima signaled the end of the war in Europe. Elle arrives in Paris (a new place) that very day, consecrating by her displacement her forgetting of Nevers.à The writer Duras explains in her synopsis that because of the very place it evolves from, and in order for Hiroshima to maintain its ties to history, the love story has to precede and subsume the story of Hiroshima. On the other hand, the function of the Nevers story serves to introduce the nitty-gritty understanding of the character of the female lead, Elle. Ropars Wuilleumier (1992) shared that the ââ¬Ëunrepresentabilityââ¬â¢ of Hiroshima's catastrophe is transferred onto the ââ¬Ënarratabilityââ¬â¢ of Elle's story of a doomed love affair in Nevers. As Ropars-Wuilleumier points out, Lui, the Japanese lover, assumes exactly the position of the analyst in relation to Elle's narration of her Nevers past at the moment when he accepts being addressed as her dead German lover, when he demands of Elle: ââ¬Å"When you are in the cellar, am I dead?â⬠But, consistently with Ropars-Wuilleumier reading of Hiroshima, Mon Amour's analogical strategy, she insists that we should not see this ââ¬Ëpsychoanalytic simulacrumââ¬â¢ as operating primarily on behalf of the ââ¬Ëworking-throughââ¬â¢ of the traumatic memory of Elle. Rather, the elaboration of the Nevers story in this symbolism implicitly poses the question of what it means to meander through the legacy of the atomic catastrophe (p. 179-180). In early sequences, when Elle relates the evidence of destruction she has seen on her visits to hospitals and museums, Lui tells her: ââ¬Å"You saw nothing in Hiroshima. You know nothingâ⬠. Elle in turn insists that she has seen ââ¬Ëeverythingââ¬â¢, knows ââ¬Ëeverythingââ¬â¢ and has thus become convinced that she will never forget Hiroshima. But it is only after the transmission of her story of Nevers in three flashback sequences that the film's viewers will realize that Elle has been seeking to inscribe in her memory images of Hiroshima's destruction and its aftermath in order to do battle with the forces of forgetting that overwhelm even the strongest compulsion to remember. Early in the film, Elle tells Lui that they both share the desire to resist to forget the memories that bind them to their respective traumatic pasts: ââ¬Å"Like you, I know what it is to forgetâ⬠¦ like you, I'm over-endowed with memoryâ⬠¦ like you, I too have tried with all my might not to forget. Like you, I forgot. Like you, I wanted to have an inconsolable memory, a memory of shadows and stonesâ⬠. The first intrusion of another memory that also once seemed unforgettable, a flashing image of the hand of her dead German soldier, makes her realize that her conviction that she will preserve an unforgettable memory of what she has seen in Hiroshima, must also be an illusion (Turim, 1989). Through telling to Lui the story of Nevers, of her previous love affair love with a German soldier, his assassination by the Resistance and her punishment as a femme tondue, a woman whose head was shaven for (literally) ââ¬Ësleeping with the enemyââ¬â¢. With this, Elle undertakes her long-belated labor of mourning. Only as her narration nears completion does this traumatic memory of her German lover lying dead on the Quai de la Loire, which has made Elle captive to her past, achieve full representation (Ropars-Wuilleumier 1992, p. 182). It is only when it achieves representation does the memory in turn risk being subjected to the forces of forgetting. As the film suggests, this is the ambiguous fate awaiting memories of what has unfolded and about unfold in Hiroshima. Clearly, the passage in the final scene, when Elle cries out in anguish: ââ¬Å"Til forget you! I'm forgetting you already!â⬠, we are bound to vicariously feel that she is not only experiencing the pain of progressively forgetting the death of her ââ¬Ëfirst loveââ¬â¢, but that she suffers by anticipation the pain of forgetting Lui and Hiroshima. As the significance of this passage implies, the memory that possessed her is shown to be somewhat also her tool for her own ââ¬Å"healing processâ⬠of forgetting, wherein forgetting is not simply the consequence of repression or social neglect, but something that cleanses you of your past pains and the realization of the necessity of ââ¬Ëletting goââ¬â¢ of the traumatic memory itself. Thus, through the film's guides us to the process of an individual's compulsion to remember and need to forget. As Ropars-Wuilleumier (1992) explained, ââ¬Å"the horror of Hiroshima is not eclipsed, but it becomes the object of a secret reflection upon the terms of both enunciation and expulsion of the historical eventâ⬠(p. 291). . In this process, writer Duras sacrifices her agency within the narrative, giving the narration over to setting and story. This is mirrored at the end of Hiroshima, Mon Amour where the final lines of dialogue identify the two characters of the film with the cities they are from, Hiroshima, Japan, and Nevers, France (Sample, 2004). The overall tone of Hiroshima Mon Amour substantiates the thought that these painful memories at hand could whip us terribly with unrelenting repercussions in the future. Eventually, making all of us realize that these shared moments will somehow be forgotten. As a particularly depressing thought, there are at least a few moments of illumination in the darkness of what had caused us pain. To wit, Sample (2004) averred that the two protagonistsââ¬â¢ love, free from spousal recrimination, is fulfilling and unweighed by ulterior motives proposes a viable meeting of souls that could help process and heal the pains of their past experiences. Works Cited Cannon, Damian. Hiroshima, Mon Amour: A Review. Movie Reviews UK, 1997. Jones, Kent. Life Indefinite. Criterion Collection Website.à Acquired online last December 10, 2005 at;eid=317;section=essay Mancini, Dan. Hiroshima, Mon Amour. DVD Verdict Review Website. Acquired online last December 10, 2005 at Ropars-Wuilleumier, Marie Claire. How History Begets Meaning. In Saul Friedlander (ed.), Probing the Limits of Representation: Nazism and the ââ¬Å"Final Solutionâ⬠ââ¬â¢ (London: Harvard University Press, 1992). Sample, C.K. Life and Text as Spectacle: Sacrificial Repetitions in Duras's The North China Lover, Literature/Film Quarterly. Salisbury: 2004, (32)4: 279-288. Turim, Maureen. Flashbacks in Fiction and Film: Memory and History. New York: Routledge, 1989. à Ã
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Sigmund Freud and Phobias
Are phobias caused by sexual needs, or Is there something else that causes people to have phobias? Sigmund Freud was born May 6, 1 856, in Beriberi, Moravia (now the Czech Republic). Freud grew up a very confused child. His father married a woman 20 years younger than himself. His father had sons that were as old as his new bride. Freud thought his half-brothers were more compatible as a mate with his mother. Freud himself questioned If his new little sister was produced from his father or half- brother.HIS childhood confusion led him to Investigate his own thoughts and the Houghton of other people. (Gay, P.. 1988) Freud used psychoanalysis in patients, which allowed them to openly speak about their memories in a relaxed environment. Fraud's psychoanalyst approach is still used today. Summers (2006) states, ââ¬Å"Freud found that as the patient grew closer to the traumatic material, repression increased, and the analyst's intervention was required. As each resistance was overcome, a new zone was reached In which the patient could associate freely. UT as that process approached painful material, the resistance intensified, and the analyst was needed to break through the new airier. â⬠(p. 328) But Freud was not satisfied with just analyzing people's thoughts. He wanted to know what motivated the repression of feelings. Freud thought the three psychic structures: the [d, the ego, and the superego, could be used to describe the conflicting forces of personality. The old begins at birth and continues until the child Is 1 year old. The old Is entirely unconscious, and has no regard for rules of society.The ego Is the second stage of psychic structures. The child is beginning to see that needs cannot be met immediately. The third stage of psychic structure development is the superego. This stage takes over in early childhood as the child begins to learn the rules of society. The child also begins to be more like his or her parent. (Rather, 2008) Freud was very controversial In his time. He believed children's basic feelings were related to sexual feelings. He defined five stages of psychosocial development as oral, anal, phallic, latency, and genital.The stages of psychosocial development translate into adulthood as well. If needs are not met, or overestimated during any of the stages, the child will have issues as an adult. Rather, 2008) The first stage of psychosocial development is the oral stage. This begins at birth. Freud argued that breastfeeding satisfied sexual need in an infant as well as nourished the child. By weaning the child early, he or she may have an oral fixation infant is able to begin to control bowel movements. Freud believed anal fixations translated into adulthood by being overly self-controlling or careless.The third stage is the phallic stage, which begins around the third year of life. During this stage children may have strong sexual attachments too parent. The latency stage begins after a child has had sexual attachment too parent for several years. During this stage the sexual feelings remain unconscious. The fifth and final stage is the genital stage, which takes over at puberty. It is at this time that young adults begin to find mates that resemble their father or mother. (Rather, 2008) Freud also thought that phobias originated from sexual urges.Freud used the case of ââ¬Å"Little Hans,â⬠a boy who was afraid of horses to explain how phobias are related to sexual urges. Little Hans was five years old, his father wrote to Freud to help explain why Hans was afraid of horses. Freud theorized that Hans had an Oedipus complex and was in love with his mother, and was a sexual rival of his father. Freud believed phobias do no occur when sexual development is normal. Fraud's explanation does not take into account that the young boy had witnessed a terrible accident between a bus and a horse weeks earlier.Freud suggested to Hans' parents to allow Hans to openly speak his feelings, which they did. When Hans' parents talked to him, they found out he was Jealous of his new baby sister getting more attention than he. Years later when Freud spoke with Hans, Hans could not member his phobia of horses. Although most mental health experts have now discarded Fraud's theory of phobias originating from sexual development, Freud did advance the study of mental illness by having patients openly discuss their phobias. Margarita, 2009) People unable to cope well with stress may develop an anxiety disorder. Margarita (2009) defines anxiety disorder as ââ¬Å"an extreme and chronic reaction to an irrational fear, affecting a person's mood, thoughts, behavior, and activities. â⬠(p. 19) The six types of anxiety disorder include social phobias, specific phobias, panic crosier, obsessive-compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, and generalized anxiety disorder. Panic disorder symptoms include a sudden attack of terror including pounding heart, sweating, weakness, fai ntness, or dizziness.Obsessive-compulsive disorder symptoms consist of becoming obsessed with a certain fear, and creating strange rituals to overcome the fear. Post-traumatic stress disorder affects people who have suffered through a traumatic event. Many veterans suffer from this disorder. General anxiety disorder is marked by a constant worry for no reason. (Margarita, 2009) According to Margarita (2009) ââ¬Å"Phobias are irrational and persistent fears that can be triggered by all manner of sources, including objects, situations, people, or activities. â⬠(p. 8) The two general types of phobias are social and specific phobias.Social phobias are triggered by everyday social situations. Specific phobias include fears about heights, spiders, water, snakes, or elevators. About 15 million Americans experience social phobias, and 19 million suffer from specific phobias. Phobias may come from a frightening experience in childhood, chemical imbalances of the brain, r fears learned from ancestors. (Margarita, 2009) Many people may experience nervousness from different social situations, such as People with social phobias are crippled by their fear of social situations to the point that it interferes with their daily lives. Margarita, 2009) There are two types of social phobias: circumscribed social phobia and generalized social phobia. Margarita (2009) defines circumscribed social phobia as, ââ¬Å"the fear of a specific situation. â⬠(p. 22) Examples of circumscribed social phobia includes being uncomfortable eating in a restaurant or being unable to use public staterooms. People suffering from circumscribed social phobia are usually able to lead relatively normal lives. They simply avoid the situation that makes them uneasy. Individuals that have generalized social phobia are much more likely to have difficulty with life.Margarita (2009) states, ââ¬Å"Generalized social phobia involves fear of all social situations, such as parties, school dances, or similar events. â⬠(p. 23) Specific phobias are an intense, irrational fear of something specific, such as flying, elevators, or insects. Specific phobias usually do not dominate a person's life. There are four types of specific phobias, including: fear of insects and animals, fear of natural environments, fear of blood or injury and fear of dangerous situations. A 2001 poll revealed 51 percent of people with phobias are afraid of snakes.Other top ranking phobias include public speaking, heights, being in a small space, and spiders and insects. (Margarita, 2009) Of all the specific phobia suffers, 9 out of 10 are women. Parents may partially be to blame because they are more protective of daughters rather than sons. Boys are taught to be independent, whereas daughters are cautioned to stay close to home. Phobias often start in childhood and are carried into adult life. Another theory is that women are the more vulnerable sex, and are more likely to be the victim of sexual assau lt. Margarita, 2009) The physical reactions to phobias are numerous: Breathing increases to take in more oxygen; the heart beats faster; blood pressure rises; stomach vessels constrict to force blood elsewhere; arms and legs receive extra blood for energy; and perspiration increases to regulate body temperature. This reaction of the body prepares it to fight the stress or run away from it. This is known as the ââ¬Å"flight or fightâ⬠action. (Margarita, 2009) What causes phobias? Phobias can be a result of trauma in early life. Scientists are also studying brain function in regards to phobias.The amygdaloidal are located in the center of the brain. Amygdaloidal control emotions. Scientists continue to research the amygdaloidal to see if they malfunction, causing the body to overreact to fears. Neurotransmitters enable messages to circulate through the brain, and scientists wonder if an imbalance of neurotransmitters could cause phobias. (Margarita, 2009) Phobias affect people in more ways than Just the anxiety felt. People suffering from phobias spend an average of $700 more per year on healthcare than other patients. People with phobias take 60 percent more sick days than other employees.People with phobias are not as likely to advance in their careers because the affect the phobia has on their Job performance. People with phobias earn on average 10 percent less, and have a 10 percent chance of not graduating college. Not only is employment and schooling disturbed, family life is as well. Sixteen percent of social phobia patients abuse alcohol, three times as many as the regular population. Recent of phobia suffers have attempted suicide at one point in their lives. This is the same rate as people suffering with depression. Margarita, 2009) Treatment options for phobias include psychiatric therapy or Joining a support group. Some people overcome phobias by learning how to relax. The first step to overcoming fears is to realize they are irrational. It ma y also help to think about things that are not fearful. Some psychologists recommend yoga or exercise to reduce anxiety. They also urge patients not to isolate themselves but rather keep in close contact with family and friends and discuss their fears with them. Others who suffer from phobias turn to cognitive-behavioral therapy.Cognitive-behavioral therapy gradually exposes the person to their fear. Cognitive-behavioral therapy was first used by New York psychotherapist Albert Ellis in 1953. Cognitive-behavioral therapy May take eight to twenty treatments, with homework assignments assigned between visits. During treatment patients are gradually exposed to their phobias and they work through the anxiety that is felt. The anxiety is greatly reduced and patients learn skills to work through any anxiety. Other suffering from phobias may cake antidepressants.These drugs help regulate the flow of neurotransmitters. Antidepressants have high success rates, but medication alone won't cure phobias. People affected by phobias may be treated by a professional for months or years before getting over their fears. (Margarita, 2009) Do most experts today feel the same as Freud that phobias originate from sexual dysfunction? Most experts agree that trauma or change in life environments are the causes of most phobias. Although some phobias are quite debilitating, treatment options do exist for people willing to work through their phobia.
Heroun and the Sea of Stories
Haroun and the Sea of Stories is a magical realism novel in which elements of Salman Rushdieââ¬â¢s imagination are put together to demonstrate the importance and significance of storytelling. Through the story, Rushdie conveys to the reader what his notion of good story elements are. One of these elements is a storyââ¬â¢s ability to possess antithetical relationships. Haroun and the Sea of Stories contains many symbols alluding to the value of complementary elements of a story; these symbols also being a representation of these values in life.One of the initial contrasts we encounter is in Rashid Khalifaââ¬â¢s two titles. Those who are opposed to his story telling have bestowed upon him the name, ââ¬Å"The Shah of Blah. â⬠The others, who enjoy Rashidââ¬â¢s stories, refer to him as ââ¬Å"The Ocean of Notions. â⬠(13) The less flattering of the two titles denotes disdain for Rashid because of the belief that he is a man who is a source of useless tales and endl ess revelry in his storytelling. The latter brings forth connotations of admiration of boundless imagination and creativity.Such dissimilarities are bound to occur with a man of Rashidââ¬â¢s interest. These titles are fairy different, but they complement each other in a certain way that makes Rashidââ¬â¢s character slightly more complex. If he was a character who was met with universal respect or contempt, then he would not be as dynamic, ergo less interesting. Another major aspect of the story that demonstrates this notion is the relationship between the Chupwalas and the Guppies.In the beginning each group had its own way of living, which they believed to be the most respectable. Then on page 191, after Khattam-Shud has been defeated the Guppies and the Chupwalas live together in a peace where ââ¬Å"Night and Day, Speech and Silence, would no longer be separated into zones by Twilight Strips and Walls of Force. â⬠Prior to this, each group was a sovereign entity, keepi ng to their traditions without much success. Then, when the barriers were broken, they were able to appreciate each otherââ¬â¢s corresponding differences.The light and dark as well as the silence and the speech accompanied each other and made for a more vibrant society. Through examples like these, Salman Rushdie was able to portray the value of antithetical elements in stories. His examples showed that opposing ideas can fuse sometimes and create a more diverse concept. Rashidââ¬â¢s names showed that he was a very imaginative story teller, but sometimes he was not aware of how people could view his perception of reality and this creates a multifaceted character in which people can show more interest.The relationship between the guppies and the chupwalas was an illustration of the harmonization of two juxtaposing concepts and how different ideologies come together to create a much more fascinating society. All of these models can be carried over to the world of storytelling, w here the story is much more entertaining when there is a slew of events that are totally different in occurrence and tone, but these events make for great amusement.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Internal Recruitment Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Internal Recruitment - Research Paper Example This policy is mainly concerned about promotions where the current employees can be elevated to higher positions on the basis of factors such as merit as well as experience in that particular field. Performance reviews will be used to formulate such policy and the final decisions can only be made by senior management within the organization. Discussion of the characteristics that make such a policy effective There are various characteristics that make such a policy effective. A policy that has been formulated on the basis of impartiality is likely to succeed if carefully implemented in the organization. This entails that all promotions should be done without fear or favour and the results are likely to satisfy the needs of all the employees in the organization. In order to do this, the strategy of carrying out a job analysis should be carried out first before promoting the employees. Basically, a job analysis is described as a step by step process of obtaining information about a job that is done through identifying the skills, duties and knowledge required for taking that job in the company organisation (Grobler, 2006). When this information is available, informed decisions about promoting the right candidates are likely to be made in the company. This also helps the management to make a good job description that can suit the experience as well as qualifications of the employees within the organization who can be considered for promotion. According to Carell (1995), the most important rule when carrying out a recruitment exercise is that from time to time, the human resources management should always strive to attract job candidates with the required competencies and traits in order to be in a better position to perform the required tasks. The other characteristic that makes such a policy effective is that it should be based on talent inventory which is described as a database that contains the information about the pool of current employees (Werner, Schuler & Jackson, 2012). Talent inventories usually include information such as employeesââ¬â¢ names, prior job experiences, performance and compensation histories as well as demonstrated performances. This is a very effective way of monitoring talent among the employees in the organization. This also helps the company to make informed decisions when elevating other employees to senior or higher position. Experience and previous performance are two very important factors that ought to be taken into consideration when making a decision about promoting certain individuals in the organization. This is effective in that employees who are selected internally have the knowledge about what is expected from them since they have been working in the company. Impact on employee engagement and retention There are several benefits that can be achieved from implementing an internal transfer and promotion policy in the organization. Of the several advantages of internal recruitment within a company, it can be noted that an increase in morale among the employees is one of the major one. In most cases, promotion often comes with other related benefits and these motivate employees to put optimum effort in their performance which also significantly helps to retain them. Happy employees in the
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
SECURITY AND STABILITY IN THE GULF, 1979-2003 - Essay Example The may come into an agreement with a certain nation to help fight violence among others. For example, in 1990s, United State government, intervened on a number of occasions for humanitarian reasons; sending troops to the Balkans, northern Iraq, and Somalia to succor refugees, feed the hungry, and otherwise alleviate suffering There are many reasons why countries come together to form multinational coalitions, whether it is meant to be on short term, long term, or upcoming dealings, restoring peace and order is basically the main reason. A long term coalition involves formation of an alliance that is not affected by future changes such as leadership takeover and will always exist as long as cases of uncertainty situations arise. For a multinational coalition to be effective there has to be a certain command chain that is clear to both parties. This is important especially in situations where the nations have to involve the army in their efforts of achieving desired peace and order. Decision making should be done by certain known individuals in order for the forces to move in one specific direction (Kahn 430). It might be objected that the betterment of humanity is not the only reason for alliance formation. Some countries may have hidden agendas in their alliances such as extracting of minerals from the d eveloping countries or attacking a certain specific nation. However, it is only few nations which can form alliances for such selfish reasons. Another factor that can stimulate the multinational coalition to achieve its desired aims is by equitable sharing of responsibilities. Responsibilities may include war resources such as tankers and jets, the required human power and technology. In addition, responsibilities may vary depending with the coalition size. A big coalition makes it considerably difficult to manage and maintain clear effective strategies as compared to smaller coalition. The rules
Monday, October 7, 2019
Charcter Analysis of the short Story The Enormous Radio Essay
Charcter Analysis of the short Story The Enormous Radio - Essay Example Moreover, the new radio turned out to be too sensitive to electronic devices at first, and when it was repaired, it started to transmit the conversations of other people in the apartment. Irene picked up the habit of listening to these conversations, and got very upset by the evening. Jim repairs it again and gets the radio back to working condition. Irene appears to be a contented housewife, enjoying her day to day chores and the free time in which she listens to the radio. But the peaceful atmosphere gives way to subtle nuances of conflict, as she keeps listening to the conversations of other people. She appears shocked by the evening when Jim arrives. She asks him to go up to 16-C where Mr. Osborn is beating his wife. When Jim tries to chide her, she tells him how terrible the lives of the people in their apartment had. Almost all of them were quarrelling over money matters and leading hypocritical lives. She tries to get the reassurance from Jim that their life had not been like that. She asks him: ââ¬Å"â⬠¦ we have always been good and decent and loving to one another, havenââ¬â¢t weâ⬠¦.Our lives arenââ¬â¢t sordid, are they, darling? Are they?â⬠This reveals the inner conflicts Irene had regarding her family life. She is not totally unaware of the scars that remain after hypocritical phases of life, but she tries to overcome that with the good aspects of her life. It is the revelation that all the families around her are going through some sort of self-deception and misery which upsets her. She tries to contrast the relative peace and order in her family and hope against hope that her family life would not end up being a show off. On the day the radio is repaired at last, a bizarre argument is picked up by Jim, which Irene tries to neglect. But in his fury, he accuses Irene of lying to him about paying the clothing bills. He makes his resentment regarding the extra expenses
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Mountains Beyond Mountains Essays Answer each of the following Essay - 1
Mountains Beyond Mountains Essays Answer each of the following questions from the course readings - Essay Example ral reaction because now the place (Haiti) had become part of his life as if seen from the angle of W Curve of Cultural Change, one can realize that Paul Farmer had absorbed the cultural shock and then able to adjust himself. He had been with the conflicts like poverty and poor health of the Haitians that he had to fight with and he adapted himself to integrate with the people and the place that made it quite hard for him to leave the place at the end. Anyone may have the similar feeling like when one visits a tourist resort for a period and while returning back he/she feels obliged to that place though one is returning to his own home. Kidder briefs the readers about Paul Farmer that he used to meet with different people around him and he liked to socialize with the people of diverse backgrounds. His ways to interact with variety of people helped him to know more about the problems and perspectives of different people about the ongoing issues like poverty and health. He did not usually sleep for more than four hours a day and kept his doors opened all the time for the suffering people. He allowed everyone to talk to him and his words left positive impact on them. His ways of interaction and communication were significant to judge the people in relation to their worries and then he endeavored with all energy to heal them accordingly. Such a diverse connectivity with the people let him understand better about how to deal with the intense situations and how to have an improved health system even during his absence. His methods can be adopted to improve understanding with humans and to have better skills of applied co mmunication. The proverb ââ¬Å"mountains beyond mountainsâ⬠has several interpretations at Haiti. Usually it is taken as there are several opportunities and another is that there are many obstacles that one you overcome to only see a clear view of another obstacle. Haiti has been the worst place in the western world in context of poverty and poor health
Saturday, October 5, 2019
How would you describe your views on sex and sexuality Essay
How would you describe your views on sex and sexuality - Essay Example The essay "How would you describe your views on sex and sexuality" focuses on the view on sexuality and sex. In American culture, sex is not necessarily to be showed to a loved one, but can be merely a way to satisfy one's physical desires. However, I do not believe that sex can merely be used to fulfill a physical desire, like scratching an itch. The practice of sex outside the realms of marriage is considered to be a sin. Sex should be an emotional experience between loving, married couples and not between two compatible physical partners to show lust. Even if one grows up and experiences a want to be sexually content, the individual should wait for the right time to get married to fulfill his needs. Here I would like to state that when it comes to such activities the most important role is played by the society. If one is raised up in a conservative environment where such activities are considered a taboo before marriage then there are good chances that an individual will wait unt il marriage. Some societies, or basically the environment, in which people are raised do not allow any individual to stay with the opposite gender alone after theyââ¬â¢ve reached puberty in order to keep distance and to maintain purity. This is a part of my culture and hence my belief. Hence, there is no way to explore the opposite gender and safe distance was maintained. These values are majorly uprooting from the religious and culture benchmarks one belongs to. Some sects believe that sexuality is only feasible after marriage.... At times being involved in sexual activities is considered to be a source of pride and manhood for the family and tribe. Moreover, Islam promotes sexuality after marriage and I side up with this view as a sexual relationship before marriage can lead to pregnancy and hence the birth of an illegitimate child. These days a fairly different concept has emerged with the increase in gays, lesbians and homosexuals. Today where freedom is given to each and every individual hence their sexual preference is also accepted. I personally would put forward that this act is going against nature and would never help to build up a normal life with normal children. One thing that needs to be highlighted here is that one cannot force another person to involve in sexuality without their consent. Strict laws are formulated throughout the world that deals with people who force, violate the dignity of another or involve in sexual activities with minors. In American culture Sex initially was considered to b e a sin and nobody on the front foot had the courage to be involved in such an activity but nowadays values have virtually died and one feels proud to call himself a 'non virgin'. Furthermore there is immense social pressure that has resulted in the widespread of sex related activities as those who do not follow the trend of exploitation are considered to be inhuman or incapable. (Teens and sex 2013) On the other hand the Middle Eastern culture still promotes chastity as they believe that a normal life cannot be lead without purity. Initially sex within marriage is to the process of reproduction and the purpose to initiate a family and enjoy the life, but sex outside the circle of marriage has become a trend and
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